- Membership: Info@Northshoreyachtclub.com
- Sailing Class Info: David Sogin: Learntosail@Northshoreyachtclub.com
- Kayak Classes & Events: Marcos Garcia Norris: Kayak@Northshoreyachtclub.com
- Sailing Director: Terry Hinaris: SailingDirector@Northshoreyachtclub.com
- Buccaneer Sail & Race Fleet Captain: Axel Andersson: Bucc@Northshoreyachtclub.com
- Sunfish Sail & Race Fleet Captain: Terry Hinaris: Race@Northshoreyachtclub.com
- High School Sailing Program: Tim Peterson: HighSchoolSail@Northshoreyachtclub.com
- Social Events: Sharon Adilman: Social@Northshoreyachtclub.com
- Regattas: Tom St. George: Regatta@Northshoreyachtclub.com
- Volunteer Opportunities: Annette Johnston: Volunteer@Northshoreyachtclub.com
- Stand Up Paddleboard: Ben Wernick: SUP@Northshoreyachtclub.com
P.O. Box 12 Highland Park, IL 60035
21 Park Ave. Highland Park, IL 60035Weekends are the best time to visit.
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